And it was,
so desperate__
so heartbreaking...
For him,
the meaning changed.
And so was he.
As it was,
meant so!

in the midst of night,
while walking for hours___
and hours.
Sitting with coffee cup in hand,
with mind traversing,
time and space boundaries.
I ask myself:
"Who are you?"

In the mist of morning,
I sat by the window,
to look at the road,
that was once crowded!

In the company of moon
Under the ceiling of clouds
With the rhythms of thunderstorm
Of the darkness prevailing around
The insane part of his awakes!

In the storm of loneliness evoking
In the volcano of anguish erupts
Just the seedling of pain arise
When the unknown becomes known one
The insane part of his awakes!

She wishes that she could be….
Free as a bird
Deep as an ocean
Blazing as the moon
Beautiful as nature
She wishes she couldn’t be…
Dark as night
Fierce as loneliness
Aloof as a dessert
Poisoned as a Human

Ringing bells call upon me
Loud steps diverting attention of mine
Diving birds make heart drown of mine
Waving river noise mesmerizes me
Swinging grass appeals to me
The blazing moon smiles at me
Aww nature you beauty!
Questioning eyes make fun of me
Laughing folks tell the story of me
Unknown faces try to pinch me
Yet life makes strange one of me
Then the words of wisdom instilled in me
Every step makes a new version of me
Aww life you mystery!

In the grassy path
In the blazing light
In the rocky mountains
In the wavy rivers
All praise is to Allah!
In the changing life
In the steady blessings
In the trouble moments
In the prayers of night
All praise is to Allah!
In the crowd of people
In the company of silence
In the silent helping hand
In the hurting heart
All praise is to Allah!

A blessed night
A night of prayers 
Of worships
Of forgiveness
Of Emaan
Of Dawah
Starting with new zeal
Of Emaan
Of patience
Of Ita'at
For if anything has 
Hurt you
Offended you
Misjudged you
Forgive me
May you all be
Full of Emaan
Full of life
With best wishes and Dawah

My wishes have no dear....
They won't end with signature
But it is the truth
You'l be missed
Those glittering eyes...
Those lively smiles...
Laughter echoing around...
You'l be missed
Those funny scoldings...
That hug; a world for me....
Those scholarly advises....
You'l be missed
Getting prepared together...
Those selfie syndromes...
That 1st dinner together....                                      (24th Sep, 2012; Mess)
You'l be missed
Those night walks....
That your bed in my custody...
That sharing moments together....
You'l be missed
That you brought me ....
To where i stand now....
A Bushra behind Bushra....
You'l be missed
Let me be sorry...
For misjudging and hurting...
With due apology, lets say...
You'l be missed
Let me confess it....
Biggest poem so far....
Aesthetic can assure you...
You'l be missed
Words getting scarce...
Tears harder to be stopped...
I say it by heart....
You'l be missed!!!

In the melodies of air...
In the crisps of leaves...
In the waves of river....
In the light of sun...
In the beauty of moon...
In the silence of night...
In the chirps of morning
Me, Myself Okay
In the breakage of glass...
In the cut of unknown....
In the flow of blood...
In the risks of life....
In the looks of devil...
In the cloak of hypocrisy....
Me, Myself Okay
In the season of unjust...
In the ringing bells of spring...
In the coldness of glaciers...
In the warmth of winter sun...
In the hotness of summer...
In the rain of repentance....
Me, Myself Okay!!!

Sometime in the mid of night__
we recover what we are
When every relation seems so close___yet so distant!
When you want your mom to heal your unseen wounds....
When you want your dad to have gossip time with you...
When you want your sibling to have a fun time with you...
When you want to have a get together with friends...
When you need someone to understand you better...
When you realize that you are no more___
rather machine...
Running like wild...
In the hands of___
No more___
When you realize___
what you actually
find that deep hidden; buried part
for that is no more YOU!
You realize what you like___
what you wished...
what dreams kept you motivated...
what color inspires you
what song made you smile
or just shed tears...
It's simply YOU!
Discover that 'you' part...
For it's not lost anywhere__
just deep hidden
Ready to be carved for!!!!

Don't remember me...
in the reigns of blood...
in the valley of love
in the territory of loneliness
in the shadows of no sense...
Don't call upon moments...
in the midst of joy
in the feeling of agony
in the atmosphere of despair..
in the shivering of fear...
Don't hold back....
in the season of cold
in the world of passion lost
in the hands of dismay
in the catch of sad day....
For do join the friendship of...
Leading to a rank of....

As fast as could...
Sky as red___
as a kiln...
The RED sky___
burning stones
rain in mid July....
___ for life!
Yet she had been___
with all her might
little angels...
Providing them with__
looking above at sky...
Providing shield
Getting burnt
Being attacked from all sides...
Yet she remembered
The shelter
That cool shadow
"Where are you both?", her heart whispered...
Yet pushing those Lil angels ...
Felt too__
YET she managed
But everything was
Eyes opened
It was
Eye Opening

Washed out...
Sighed out...
Burden less...
Miseries vanished....
Fear lost...
Happiness dwelling...
Pain released....
Yet it rained with all might...
A rain one should wish for...
Hands up...
Eyes filled...
Lowered gaze...
Tears shed...
Shivered body...
Trembling words...
Vibrating lips...
Heart calling...
Jolting one...
Air blazing...
Celebration in Heaven...
Souls purified...
Congratulating each other...
Stood up...
It should be...
For it rained with all might...
Leaving a fertile land behind...
Pure One...
To be filled with seeds of__goodness

Breathtaking words mesmerizing her environment.....
Lost in realm of world....
Deep inside her heart...
Just felt by her...
Free of worldly cares....
No  envy....
No greed...
No jealousy...
No harm....
And the absence of what made her life a  happy one...
Word echoes in surrounding made herself plunged into WORLD  more and more....
Lyrics taking shape of her inner world....
Rhythms matching with the beats of her WORLD...
She was uncovering deep hidden secrets....
Just like Spring, a new life erupts from the world of seed.....
Mystical treasuries welcoming her...
Her soul wanted to be fed...
As if that was day of rebirth....
A new birth rather....
Birth of purity...
And welcoming of new air...
She found....
The music stopped!
A journey from WORLD to the realism.....
Eyes opened...
"Oh dear the baby is crying".....
She left armchair...
She had to instill the traits of Saints in the little angel....
Had to provide with the colors of the wings...
Spring had arrived!!!

 "Sometimes I walk for no reason...
In an enchanted valley of dreams...
A journey one should have long lasting for...
A walk just meant to be for me!!!
To be as complex as me...
To bestow kindness as one need...
Or may be more than I need..."
"Through unveils of mystery...
Through jungles___deep enough___more than a web of thoughts___more intense than one has ever thought of!!!"
Rain continued to pour its blessings everywhere!
"But that's where light wants to pierce through....
Locate the unraveled treasures..
And that's how light entered!"
"A single beam....
A direction....
A new path to travel to...
Pen down...
Light out!

Light playing hide and seek with the tallest and leafy trees....
Making everything visible....
flashing back....
Revival of once forgotten...
Mesmerizing moments...
Roads going straight_____ straight and straight....
as everything becoming dull...
then a point comes...
Makes you traveler of path you've never dreamed of.......
Makes you meet with someone....
Lost long ago!!!
May be happiness is welcoming you...
May be sorrow is there to accompany you....
No matter how long!!!...
May be new beginning____ with a whole new zeal...
Or may be a perfect END.....
when nothing lefts behind!

Crisp Crisp Crisp......
The fallen leaves started flying with ecstasy upon her arrival___Tall trees welcomed her with their bushy shade____Path was overwhelmed with joy that it shoved away the dirt____Sun with blazing yet warming light enlightened her____Clouds hovering here and there in sky to beautify it...
Crisp Crisp.......
All in white dress___As white as milk
"Ahhh mama....she's there",Pretty ran there as she gave indication...
"Be brave, be pious, be happy, be blessed my Pretty",she whispered , as she was hugging her....
"Pretty beta where are you?" Pretty heard her baba calling her.
"Go.Baba needs you dear" and Pretty nodded.....
"Oh beta don't go far alone. I become worried dear", said he while picking her up....
Pretty waved her hand to her....


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Bushra Mustafa
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